Another tale about Sammer
- Dad, can you tell me another story about him? – said Mark as his father Gale was about to leave the room. - Really Mark? You’re in high school and you still want me to tell you stories about him? - Please dad, they're really interesting. - Okay, but I don’t think there’s one I haven’t told you already. – said Gale and sat on the bed next to him. - You can think of something, please. - Okay okay, I think I have one I haven’t told you about. - Really? – Mark’s eyes were shining. – Tell me! - Just get comfortable and let me start from the beginning, because what I’m about to share with you is the reason you exist in the first place. * * * "Darius Sammer. As you already know son, he was a dear friend of mine. Both of us met when we had a job at the mafia. He was an ex agent from the CIA and…well I was the detective who was doing all the cover ups for the murders he made. I was working on both sides. As I expected things didn’t go well for too long. Your mother was kidnapped. I...